Monday, December 1, 2008

Why do people use astrology as a thing to play?!

Why do people use astrology as a thing to play?!
Why do people use astrology as a thing to play!?
Many people do that!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. i just want to say they are stupid people!!!! they have tiny brains!.!.!.!.!. and western astrology is wrong, i'm not trying to annoy but i would like to talk to people that know vedic astrology instead of beign stupid and keep saying that i'm gemini sun libra moon and capricorn rising!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com
How can a form of Astrology which actually uses constellations of stars which have absolutely nothing in common as a basis, be more accurate than a form of Astrology which has copped on to that misconception ages ago, and used Earth-bound points!? (Like the Vernal equinox, in case you were wondering)Really!. I know about Vedic Astrology and I know how it works!. I also know that up until now, every Vedic Astrological reading has been wrong whereas at least in Western Astrology there were accurate points which weren't too general or inconspicuous!.But, in all fairness, wouldn't you say that the title (and in how much this would be possible to detect) the intonation of your question clearly shows your Capricorn rising!? Definitely doesn't sound like Sagittarius rising to me!.*edit*Gemini sun - know-it-all!. You seem to fit that description perfectly in your question!. Not to mention sun would be in 6th, no!? Might explain why you're so critical!. Nothing to do with a possible Virgo moon!. You seem to have a thing about the word "stupid" as well, stressing it a few times!. Surely a Taurus sun wouldn't care about intelligence when a Gemini already does!?Libra moon - well, apart from the fact that it might be in 10th I see no reason why you should consider every other living person on earth idiots with tiny brains (which isn't exactly true - every person has the same size brain, it's just how they use it, and I'll get back to that later!.) Libra moon generally has advanced social intelligence!. You clearly have not!. But neither are you very analytical - you generalise too much!.Now!.!.!. Sagittarius rising!. I have Sagittarius rising!. Sagittarius rising is generally naive and gives everyone unlimited benefits of the doubt!. The fact that you think of people who don't follow your train of thought as stupid people clearly shows that you do not give people unlimited benefits of the doubt!. Sagittarius rising also sees the good in every person, and most importantly they do not generalise!. Yes, love, you sound like a more typical Capricorn rising to me!.(How did I know you were going to bring the Mercury up!?)Oh, and another thing!. Do you really think that I act like a Libra sun, Taurus moon, Scorpio rising and Scorpio mercury (not a word about the mercury - I already have Scorpio sun to make up for my harshness, and mercury in 1st to make up for my bluntness)Www@Enter-QA@Com
I agree with Hot Fuzz and aspicco!.There's a big difference between sagittarius and capricorn rising!. Which do you feel you are most like!?!? Sagittarius is always up and running going to someplace or doing some THING and talks alot and is very energetic in their expression (btw not expressionate, energetic)!. Capricorn rising is serious, comes off as a live by the law and get the job done honest kind of person who likes seeing justice served!. Capricorn rising would not be anywhere near as energetic nor talkative as sagittarius rising!.!.HUGE difference!. Always a pretty big difference in the signs that are right next to the other!.Www@Enter-QA@Com
Normally astrology is learnt by own interest with curiosity or guidence by others!.one simple question is here when we refer to medicala astrology!. lot has been developed today!. many references and case studies!. technicla support is available!.!. and overlall the subject is same through out the world!. that is human anotomy and health!. but when it comes to diagnasis we too can see lot of variations and wrong diagnisis etc!. why such difference!. when the subject is same majority of the time!. varies with the understanding of the practitioner, his skill, understanding involvement , relationship everything!. so here the subject and information system is samethe vary ness comes through the practitioner and his involvement!. in this field also we can see fake praticing personalities!. second example let us sit for discussion let us talk about astro physics what other say sir that subject is new to meok let us talk about marine lifethat is also new to meok let us talk about life style of human in different partsthen they say even we don't know our life style in where we are livinghow can we talk about other we have not seenwhen it comes to astrology oh nothing in it, it is all bundle and superstitioni too have seen many astrologer and their failure in predictionso here we have to think for these reason majority of the astrologer aslo causesystematic study and training is not availbleit is practiced by family traditionany one can become within small period as astrologer with blessings of some diety in dreamsthis is all the tip of iceburgthe genuine divine beauty of astrology is lies with the mind and life of personalities living like seerastrology is the study of light to enlight you by the difficulty of emotional darkness!. not only the prediction part!. Www@Enter-QA@Com
Well, I am a fly and I do have a tiny brain!.I am willing to listen though!. Where is your proof that western astrology is wrong!?Edit: Thank you for the 'Read This Wikipedia Link'!. That is not proof!. I've already read it and you are missing my point!. Most of the major aspects are still RELATIVE, and I already made this point to you in another of your rants on here against western astrology!. So, now I am going to tell you, read this:http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Theory_of_r!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com
Well now, aren't you the educated and supreme almighty one!. I am certainly glad that you are "not trying to annoy"!. That's so reassuring!. My vedic reading was not as accurate as my tropical reading!. It could be my perspective, huh!? Www@Enter-QA@Com
Western Astrology works!. I have practiced it for 20+ years!.I have also seen Vedic Astrology work!.Why does one have to "win" over the other!?Tropical (Western) astrology is earth-based!.Sidereal is star-based!.So what!?Www@Enter-QA@Com
I am very interested into astrology, I think it is fun, I don't think I rely on it, but I do find it to be interesting, I don't get into all the signs stuff, I just know I am a gemini and I act like one!.Www@Enter-QA@Com
clearly, you are projecting!. you are what you call others!. all you can do is give links to wikipedia, which isn't always legit!?Now we know who has the pea brain!. YOU SHOWED US!hahaWww@Enter-QA@Com
Astrology is just for fun!. No worries!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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