Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tristram and Isolde

Tristram and Isolde

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Tristan and Isolde by Herbert James Draper. Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain)

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Tristram and Isolde

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition
Tristram and Isolde , medieval romance. The earliest extant version (incomplete) was written (c.1185) by Thomas of Britain in Anglo-Norman French verse. About 1210, Gottfried von Strassburg wrote in German verse a version based on that of Thomas. The story, originally independent of the Arthurian legend , was later incorporated with it. In the 15th cent. Sir Thomas Malory included Tristram and Isolde in his Morte d' Arthur. The story is mainly Irish in origin, with details from other sources. Although the many versions of the story naturally differ, the basic plot is much the same in all... Read more
Tristram and Isoud
The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature Tristram and Isoud (Tristan and Isolde); the long story of Tristram de Lyones is the fifth of...concerned with the fated love of Tristram and Isoud and the subterfuges...the lovers have to adopt. Tristram leaves Mark's court and...and marries a third Isoud (Isolde of the White Hands). ... Read more
Tristan and Isolde
Myths and Legends of the World Tristan and Isolde The legend of Tristan and Isolde is the tragic tale of two lovers fated...The Legend. Tristan (sometimes called Tristram), the nephew of King Mark of help from an Irish princess named Isolde (or Iseult) who was skilled in healing. After Isolde healed Tristan, ... Read more

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